Fertility Preservation Services (Egg,Embryo & Sperm Cryobank)

Bethany Fertility Centre has a Cryobank for storing eggs, embryos and sperm. The indication for cryo include;

  1. Excess gamats (egg, embryo and sperm), patients who are going for cancer treatment.
  2. Their gamats can be stored to avoid being destroyed by the chemotherapy.
  3. People who want to first pursue career before they can have children since fertility goes down as they advance in age.

Kindly contact our fertility team for more details +256 200 903746

Why you should choose us?

We have a team of highly trained, skilled and committed Physicians. These include; embryologist,Obstetricians/Gynaecologists, Anaesthetists, Paediatricians, Nurses and midwives, Radiographers and Laboratory Technologists.